வெள்ளி, 29 மே, 2009

Forgotten 26/11 hero gets only Rs 500 as award

URL:http://news. rediff.com/ report/2009/ may/26/-mumterro r-forgotten- nov-26-hero- gets-only- rs-500-as- award.htm

I was awarded only five months after sending them [Indian Railways] an application, " says Bablu Kumar Deepak, the courageous railway announcerat the main line section of Mumbai's Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus.

'Bablu was on night shift when two terrorists attacked the station andkilled passengers at will on November 26 last year, but what he did tosave lives that night had gone unnoticed.

Risking his life, he saved thousands of commuters and also intimated theother announcer -- Vishnu Zende -- at the local trains section. He alsoinformed the Government Railway Police and the Railway Police force tosend a backup force.

"I was on night shift and I saw two boys throw a grenade near the 13thand 14th platform. There was a huge explosion and the next thing Inoticed was dead people. I immediately informed Zende [the announcer atthe local line].

"There were about 300-odd people on this side of the station and IndraniExpress (running between Mumbai and Pune) had just departed. I thoughtthere might be more than two terrorists as too many things werehappening at the same time. Anything could happen and I was petrified.The boys started firing randomly at everyone and moved towards the localline.

"Since Bablu was the first person to see the entire episode unravel infront him, he was in a state of shock."I was trapped in my cabin until a senior officer came to my rescue. Ihad locked the door but was still shivering as the door was not strongenough to protect me. It was so fragile that it could give in after onestrong kick. Only after the senior officer came, I identified his voice,opened the door and then reached home safe.

"While Zende got his due of Rs 10 lakhs immediately from the railwayminister, Bablu waited to be acknowledged. And when he finally did, itwas too little, too late.Five months later, on May 7, 2009, Indian Railways acknowledged his actof bravery and dedication and awarded him with a certificate along withcash of Rs 500.

"I sent an application to the divisional railway manager on December 17,2008," said Bablu, "informing them that I was on a night shift on 26/11and I should be awarded for my work.

"When they didn't revert to his letter he sent a reminder in April 2009.On receiving his award he said, "Only after sending them a reminder, Igot a letter from the DRM on May 5 and got my award on May 7."It's been six months since the Mumbai terror attack and the governmentseems to care little for the city's unsung heroes.
While those who got accidentally killed were made into heroes, the realheroes are forgotten.
why expect or wait for government - especially non-performing congress/ upa state and central governments- to honour deserving citizens - can not the local, regional and national groups of citizens themselvrs organize and honour the deserving heroes and put to shame the chamchas of no. 10, janpath ?

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