One person's personal experience with BJP in ஒரிசா
BJP has got following issues:
In Orissa, for a vacant Rajya Sabha MP, they forced Mr. Balbir Punj,an outsider upon people of Orissa.Two of their tainted minister Mr. Samir Dey and Manmohal Samal were continued to in cabinet of NAveen Patnaik (BJD) in spite of corruptionand sex scandals.In stead of building organization across all places, they concentratedon Kandhamala and lfew minorities got killed/thousands got affected.
from the above - it seems that they are no different than Congressparty in any respect. The corrupt face of lotus. They took people ofOrissa and Naveen Patnaik as granted.Most of us like BJP because of its Nationalism, but they are justcareless about people's feelings.
I am a Hindu and like BJP. But I amalso an Odia. Why do I have to bear an outsider Rajya Sabha MP and twoof its corrupt ministers ? Naveen Patnaik did remove all his taintedministers while BJP's poor state and National leadership failed toact on its corruption.End result : they screwed up in a state where people liked BJP.
In West Bengal, Andhra, Tamil nadu - they didn't have any presence oralliance.Where they had a good alliance, their ministers in Orissa,criticized their only good ally and created Kandhamala disturbances instead if strengthening party in every constituency. Enjoyedministership without concentrating on grass root organization.
The above is the story in one state. In Rajasthan, MP, Himachal also Iguess the story wouldn't be different. In Metros also they are losingurban base.. No BJP CM except Modi is able to hold their state.
Vasundhra in Rajasthan was an arrogant lady and yet she was allowed tocontinue. Results - screwed up... Why can't they replaced Vasundhrabefore election as Vilash Rao was replaced after 26/11 , inMaharashtra ?
They have become worst than congress and they are hesitant to takedisciplinary action against tainted and corrupt ministers..I know , many Hindus believe that all Hindus should vote for BJP.. ButI would say that, BJP in its current form does every thing, whatCongress have been doing..They don't listen to people when we complain. I had sent mails to ப்ப்headquarters citing the corruption of their ministers in state.. noresponse.. they just don't care about you and me..They need to show that they respect and address both state levelsentiments in addition to their Nationalist ideology.i.e Balbir Punj, if needed to be sent to Rajya Sabha should be sentfrom his home state. He is useless to Odisha as an MP.Similarly , they should pick popular icons of each state (Rajanikanthin Tamilnadu, Chriranjivi in Andhra) and give them freehand to buildthe party.
They shouldn't frustrate them like Mr. Satrughan Sinha,when they get benefit. They should also learn, that not all Muslimsare our enemy even though they have different view on Vande Mataram.While the bigoted and unpatriotic Muslims and conversion lovermissionaries are targetted, no injustice must be allowed against thenormal minorities , who just wish to live like us and have nothing todo with secularism and communalism.
.Mamta banarjee could have gone with them,, but in a Muslim dominatedWest Bengal, why she would risk her seats ? that issue is every where? Rajnikanth and Chriranjivi - both have got Muslim fans as well.You would not believe the way BJP ministers in Naveen Patnaik'scabinet behaved in a coalition.
They publicly embarrassed him andfrustrated him in spite of their dependency on him.Any recommendations for BJP :Wherever they are in power, allow couple of independent mindedbloggers to monitor their administration. All criticisms by bloggersmust be discussed and addressed at party level.Wherever they are in opposition, build their grass root organizationand take message to masses by creating direct-channel(telephone/Internet /sms) between people and BJP leaders..They have to tone down, anti-Minority rhetoric and emphasize onstrengthening Hindu Nationalist beliefs.Stop giving tickets to criminals.
Manoj Padhi
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